According to the Renewable Energy and Jobs Annual Review 2023, the previous year saw 13.7 million renewable energy jobs worldwide, an increase of one million on the year before. As the renewable energy sector continues to grow, demand for workers is on the rise alongside it.
Getting to the interview stage in this competitive field is already an achievement, but how do you ace the interview? We asked our recruitment team at ERSG for their top tips for making an impression at your renewable energy interview.
Do Your Research
Our first and most important tip for any interview is to do your research. This might seem like an obvious one, but it’s impossible to overstate its importance.
This holds true for jobs in renewable energy. No matter how much experience you may have, you’ll always want to use your prep time to get familiar with the company you are interviewing for. You’ll have some time in the interim to prepare thoroughly. Make sure to reference what you’ve learned about the company throughout the interview, not just when you’re asked about it. For example, you could pepper some of the company’s values and ethos into this section, demonstrating how they align with both your own values and your skillset. Little things will show you have a good attention to detail.
Demonstrate Your Passion and Skills
Although a lot of jobs in renewable energy might be on the more technical side, it’s still important to show you have a real passion and drive for the role. Fortunately, sustainable energy is an industry it’s easy to be passionate about. Renewable energy is vital to achieving our goals of a sustainable future, so there is a wealth of information to draw from in order to find your passion for this industry and convey that to a potential employer.
In renewables, the jobs are often very technical, so it’s also important to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of your area, and skills. Keep in mind that a lot of the skills you have may be transferrable within this industry, so if you can match any skills you may have to the job specifications, this is your chance to get specific. It’s also a good idea to pepper this with things from the research you’ve done.
Ask Questions
Make sure you engage fully with this final portion of the interview. Although it’s at the end, you might feel tempted to overlook or rush this portion. However, this is a vital part of the process, and harnessing it is key to a successful interview. There are many different ways to approach this section, but here are a few to get you started:
Flip the script: Remember that you are not only selling yourself, but the company needs to be telling you why you should want to work for them. It’s okay to ask what procedures they have in place for feedback, or how your interviewer finds working for the company.
Demonstrate your enthusiasm: These questions will be about how the company can help you to grow as an employee and the ways you could be constantly improving in order to excel at this role, or what an exceptional job performance looks like.
Whatever your questions, it’s important to have them prepared beforehand and specific to the company. The more detailed the better!
Follow Up
This is a stage of the interview process that can often go overlooked. It’s important if you want to make a lasting impression on a potential future employer. It can be as little or as much as you want, but make sure you leave them with something and make sure they remember you. This could be something as simple as an email or a thank you note. Be sure to restate your qualifications and any key points of interest, leave contact details and ask about the next steps.
It’s also a good idea to follow up with ersg. As your recruiter, it’s important you offer us timely feedback so we can discuss with the interviewer. This will help you improve your skills for future interviews, either for your next interview with this company or with others!
Bring Your Documents
According to our recruiters, this is something that feels so simple, but often gets forgotten. Make sure to come prepared with all the references that the company are asking for. You wouldn’t want to ace the interview and get passed up for a role over something so small, so be sure that you pay attention to these little details.
Coming prepared can really help the whole process run smoothly, leaving time for you to showcase your talent and experience for this role. Always ask your recruiter what is needed of you and make sure you have everything you need!
Ask Us!
If you found your job through one of our recruiters, we are always on hand to help! Our experienced staff have a wealth of knowledge at their disposal. For you, this means that if you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to ask your recruiter. We'll have given you all the information you need before the interview, but if you have any additional questions, we are available to help. We will prep you for anything from, the interview process, to the team size, working conditions or queries about management. Make sure to fully utilise the resources we provide as your recruiting service to get ahead in your interview.
Success is not just about having the right answers, the devil (as they say) is in the details. In order to stand out, the key is in preparation, whether it is your personal presentation, or the way you showcase your skills, these tips will help you be a star candidate for any interview in renewables. In this faced-paced and quickly growing market, it is important to perfect your skills across the interview process.
Here at ersg, we would like to wish you a happy holidays and good luck in the new year with all your renewable energy endeavours!
If you are seeking new hires in Renewable Energy, or a candidate looking for a role, please contact either:
Nigel Wilson at [email protected]
Kris Braakensiek at [email protected]
Warren Josephat [email protected]
Who are ersg?
Established in 2008, ersg is an award-winning international leader in recruitment and staffing services to global energy, renewables, engineering and power. We provide both white- and blue-collar workers to some of the most reputable global brands, with global offices in the UK, Europe, US & Asia.
What we do
We provide innovative resourcing solutions to meet client’s needs, including Contract, Perm/Direct Hires and Workforce Solutions.
How can ersg help you?
Our consultants utilise their global network of candidates to deploy an in-depth knowledge of the renewables industry. We are highly specialised within candidate skill set verticals that are applicable across the full project life cycle. This has led to unparalleled relationships with our candidates, ensuring we are often the "go-to" agency for professionals looking for a job in renewable Energy.
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